Wireless Technology
1. The 802.11 Standard was publish in which year?
(A) 2008(B) 1965
(C) 1997
(D) 1980
2. If the original 802.11 Standard promises a 2Mbps speed, what about 802.11b?
(A) 10 Mbps(B) 11 Mbps
(C) 22 Mbps
(D) 53 Mbps
3. Of which 802.11 Standard provides a greatest coverage range?
(A) 802.11a(B) 802.11b
(C) 802.11g
(D) 802.11i
4. A wireless network is subjected to the following except?
(A) Interference(B) Performance Issue
(C) Security Issue
(D) All the above
5. What channel do Access Point(AP) use by default?
(A) 1(B) 6
(C) 11
(D) 14
6. Of which 802.11 Standard transmit using the 5Ghz spectrum?
(A) 802.11(B) 802.11b
(C) 802.11a
(D) 802.11g
7. Which of the following wireless spectrum operates lower than the Wireless spectrum?(Multiple)
(A) AM Transmission(B) FM Transmission
(C) Television Transmission
(D) Ameteur Radio Transmission
8. Which of these 802.11 Standard is published as "Marketed & Certified as Wi-Fi"?
(A) 802.11a(B) 802.11b
(C) 802.11g
(D) All the above
9. Which three important setting must be made before you establish a Wireless Network?
(A) SSID(B) Channel
(D) MAC Address
10. To get connected to an Access Point(AP), there is a basic 3 stage process. Sort this stages in the right order.
i. Authenticated & Unassociatedii. Authenticated & Associated
iii. Unauthenticated & Unassociated
(A) i, ii, iii
(B) iii, ii, i
(C) ii, iii, i
(D) iii, i, ii
11. Arrange the Wireless Network Life Cycle in the right order.
i. Troubleshooting & Securityii. Pre-deployment & Expansion Planning
iii. Installation & Verification
iv. Management & Optimization
(A) i, ii, iii,iv
(B) ii, iii, iv, i
(C) iv, iii, ii, i
(D) ii, iii, i, iv
(B) ii, iii, iv, i
(C) iv, iii, ii, i
(D) ii, iii, i, iv
12. How do you solve a multipath issue in a Wireless Network?
(A) Use wired network(B) Hard reset the Wireless Access Point
(C) Move the Access Point in another location
(D) Move your Wireless Network Client
13. Verifying a Wireless Network involves the following except?
(A) To ensure all clients are within the coverage area of the AP(B) To make sure the position of the AP is the best planned
(C) To implement and to test Wireless Network security at it's best
(D) To add more AP for better coverage
14. Data collision in a Wireless Network is generally caused by
(A) Multipath(B) Hidden Node
(C) Wrong antenna used
(D) Incorrect use of Power adapter
15. You can prevent un-authorized user accessing your AP by the following implementation except
(C) MAC address
(D) Username & Password access
16. You can purchase and upgrade your Wireless AP antenna. Which of these antennas are not available?
(A) Omni Directional(B) Semi Directional
(C) Telescopic Directional
(D) Highly Directional
17. You should upgrade and update your driver and firmware of your network devices. What is the main reason for this?
(A) To make sure your devices will work properly with newer devices(B) To make sure your AP transmit at it's maximum strenght
(C) To enhance performance of your devices
(D) To avoid hardware failure
Wireless Terminology
18. SSID is short for
(A) Service Security Identity(B) Super Strenght Isometric
(C) Security Setting Implementation
(D) Service Set Identity
19. WEP is short for
(A) Wired Equipment Protocol(B) Wireless Equipment Protection
(C) Wired Equivalent Protocol
(D) Wireless Enhancement Protocol
20. WPA is short for
(A) Wired Protocol Access(B) WiFi Protected Access
(C) Wired Protection Access
(D) Wireless Protected Access
21. DSSS is short for
(A) Dynamic Sequence Spectrum Spread(B) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
(C) Digital Spectrum Sequence Spectrum
(D) Dynamic Spectrum Spread Sequence
22. FHSS is short for
(A) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum(B) Final Hopping Spectrum Spread
(C) Fidelity Hashing Spectrum Spread
(D) Frequency Hopping Spectrum Sequence
23. IEEE is short for
(A) Institute of Engineers of Electronics and Electrical(B) Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers
(C) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(D) None of the above
24. MAC is short for
(A) Media Access Centralization(B) Media Access Control
(C) Multiple Access Control
(D) Multiplex Amplitude Control
25. Wi-Fi is short for
(A) Wireless Fidelity(B) Wide Firmware
(C) WAN Fidelity
(D) Winchester File
(prepared by : Mr. Ken Chin(Fluke Network
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